Roman invasion take two as Latin returns to north Norfolk classrooms

The so-called “dead” classical language is alive and well in state schools … Read on >>>

10 Greek Plays That Are Essential to Any Education

Whether you love Greek history and culture or find it dull beyond words, there’s no denying that classical scholarship has had a big impact on just about every succeeding aspect of Western culture. College students pursuing degrees in fields like history, philosophy, theater, creative writing and art history (among others) will be especially well-served reading these works, as they inspired many other later artists, writers and thinkers and are referenced in numerous ways today– a testament to their enduring power.

But what are the 10 plays?  Find out here:


National Media Museum, Bradford
“Room at the Top” conference suite on Wednesday 9th November 2011, 10 am – 6 pm
A one-day conference arranged by Steve Green and Penny Goodman
Go here for details

Classics in Our Lunchtime

A new series of once-a-month twenty-minute talks on the classical world in modern culture at Leeds City Museum, 13.15-13.45

Friday 28th October
Doctor Who, the Romans and Us
Dr Penny Goodman

Thursday 24th November
Middle-Eastern Politics in Gladiator (2000) and Troy (2004)
Dr Steve Green

For more details see the Leeds City Museum website
Recording available after the event via the Museum or Classics Talks in Leeds

Support the fight to keep Classics at Royal Holloway


Professor Jonathan Powell, Vice-President of ARLT, writes:

As many ARLT members will already know, Royal Holloway has announced proposals for substantial cuts to Classics: the abolition of the Classics and Philosophy Department as an independent unit, the loss of six academic posts, and the relocation of the remaining staff to other departments, where there is to be a reduced provision in Ancient History and Classical Studies. The 90-day consultation period required by law will continue until the end of September. We have had massive support so far: nearly 3000 people have signed our on-line petition (see link below) and we have received hundreds of letters from students, alumni, teachers, academic colleagues, and members of the public. If you have not already sent in a letter of support and/or signed the petition, there is still plenty of time to do so. Letters should be addressed to the Principal, Professor Paul Layzell, but sent to Professor Anne Sheppard, Head of Department, Classics and Philosophy, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, e-mail, to arrive by 28th September.

The best way that ARLT members can help us is to continue to send us your students. This year, applications to the department rose by 35% compared with the 2010 figure (the national average rise was only 1.3%) and we have exceeded our targets for both Home/EU and Overseas students, the only department in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences to do so. These figures will obviously increase the chances of a favourable outcome. We shall keep you informed of any developments, via this website and by other means. In the meantime, we plan to admit students as usual to all our degree programmes (Classics, Latin, Greek, Classical Studies, Ancient History, and Joint Honours) for entry in 2012. Please continue to encourage your students to apply to Royal Holloway, and if you or they have any concerns, please get in touch with me ( or with another member of the Department.

You can follow the progress of the campaign by visiting our blog at

Please sign our petition at

and please pass on the link to anyone else who may be interested in the future of Classics at Royal Holloway.